Fast Turnaround
TIGER understands that in the fast moving world of vehicle sales, fleet logistics and for the tradesman on the road, it is essential that substantial and comprehensive stocks be held, to afford speedy turnaround times. We commit to holding an extensive selection of TIGER products, ready to be fitted to your ute or dispatched as required. Your deadlines are our deadlines and when you schedule your project with our team, rest assured, that we will move Heaven and Earth to ensure that we deliver, on time, every time.
We know that fast turn-around is paramount to meeting fleet requirements and to managing operational on and off’s carefully. This has led to us having established ourselves as one of Australia’s leading assembly and fit-out specialists with fit-outs having ranged from standardised, to fully consultative design across a wide range of varied commercial vehicle projects and industries.
TIGER Schedule Management is the cornerstone of project delivery performance and the basis for meeting both our client’s and our own expectations. Our robust schedules provide clear direction, so that our teams work on the right activities, to achieve the right outcomes, for on-time delivery with confidence.
Our customers’ trust in our expertise and know that we understand that our objectives are reflective of theirs.
If you would like to see some of our products and packages you can check them out here.
Contact us today for expert advice!

Fast Turn-Around Testimonial
“The TIGER team presented the skills and knowledge to provide a customised solution for the business needs and exceptional project management skills from start to finish.
TIGER has continued to provide quality fit-outs and has clearly demonstrated the requirements of Forests being, superior build quality, delivery and pricing. The team’s expertise, professional knowledge and commitment to meet deadlines is far superior than any other competitors.
All of this has led toTIGER being the preferred supplier of Forestry Corporation of NSW.”
Rowland Goldsbrough – Fleet Manager for Forestry Corporation of NSW 2011 to 2016. Currently Motor Vehicle Manager Sydney Trains, Transport for NSW